

At Chapel Street Baptist Church, it is our desire to see the Great Commission fulfilled through the planting of local, New Testament Baptist Churches in the United States and the rest of the world.

North America

Donald & Tricia Cain

Missionary Builders

Sent from Chapel Street Baptist Church

Karl & Mary Badalian

Missionary Builders

New Testament Church Planters

Chad & LeeAnne Delhotal

Church Planting

Santa Barbara, California

Greg & Sandy Waggoner


Mike & Lisa Petrocco

Lighthouse Baptist Press

Printing of John & Romans

John & Alecia Vincent

Youth & Prison Ministry

Rock of Ages Ministry

David Gibbs III

National Center for Life and Liberty

David & Sharyn Finley

Missionary Builders, Retired

New Testament Church Planters

Drew Needham

Missionary Builder

New Testament Church Planters

South America

Dan & Becky Bennett

Deaf in Brazil




Australia and Oceania

If you are a missionary on deputation or furlough we'd love to meet you! Please email your information packet to missions@chapelstreetbaptist.com and a member of our staff will reach out to you.

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