

In the spring of 1957, two groups of people were meeting with the future hopes of starting a biblical Baptist church. One group started meeting in the old girl scout building in Landis, North Carolina, led by a gentleman named Vernon Helms. About the same time, another group started meeting in a small store front building on Chapel Street in Landis, led by a fifteen year old named Nelson Wright. Both groups recognized the need for biblical leadership and began praying for God to send a man to start a scriptural church.

Rev. Vernon Helms
Rev. Nelson Wright

In 1958, amazingly, God was working on two fronts. God had begun to place on the heart of Reverend Lloyd Walters the need for a church in Landis, North Carolina. At the same time, God laid on the heart of Mr. Lipe to donate a piece of land on which to build our current church building. Both groups, being blessed by God for seeking His leadership, came together in 1958 and called Brother Lloyd Walters as pastor. Brother Walters' church sent him out to establish Landis Memorial Baptist Church. Under the twelve fruitful years of ministry of Brother Walters, God directed them to build our current church building.

Rev. Lloyd Walters

In 1970, God led Brother Walters to turn the church over to Reverend Bill Bauguess. The church, recognizing God's leading, ratified his calling to be their next pastor. Under the direction and leadership of Pastor Bauguess, the church grew to a high of around 300 in attendance. With all the growth that the church experienced, God led Pastor Bauguess to change the name of the church to Memorial Independent Baptist Church. During this time, many people were profoundly affected through salvation, baptism, and discipleship. God allowed the church to acquire adjoining properties and erect the fellowship hall building. After thirty-two years of faithful ministry, God led Pastor Bauguess to retire.

Rev. Bill Bauguess

In God's providence, during Brother Bauguess' last service, God allowed the next pastor to be present. Recognizing the providential leading hand of God, the church extended the call to Reverend Jeff Simpson to be their third pastor. Brother Simpson faithfully led Memorial Independent Baptist Church for twelve years until God called him home.

Rev. Jeff Simpson

After the passing of Pastor Simpson, the church entered a season of pruning, preparing the church for the next stage of ministry. During the same time, God placed a burden for North Carolina on the heart of Reverend Brad Jenkins. Once again, the sovereign hand of God was at work in bringing His man to lead His church. Under the leadership of Pastor Jenkins, the church has begun a rebuilding stage. In January of 2016, being sensitive to God's direction for this new season, Pastor Jenkins led the church to change its name to Chapel Street Baptist Church. In following the vision that God has given to Pastor Jenkins, our church has launched out in faith, while continuing its long history of sound bible preaching. Under Pastor Jenkins' leadership thus far, the Lord has allowed our church to pay off all indebtedness, renovate our sanctuary, rebuild our church parsonage, and construct a missions quarters.

Rev. Brad Jenkins

In 2021, the Lord called Brother Charles Snow, with the recommendation of Pastor Jenkins, to join Chapel Street Baptist Church as Assistant Pastor, with the purpose of training him for the Gospel ministry.

Bro. Charles Snow

Chapel Street Baptist Church has a desire to continue the biblical heritage of the new testament church with an emphasis on reaching and baptizing souls with the gospel of Jesus Christ and biblically discipling people to honor and glorify the Lord with their lives.

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