



October 13, 2024

Join us as we celebrate our 67th anniversary during our Homecoming Sunday celebration! We will have a special guest preacher with us this Sunday, and will be awarding the Lifetime Christian Service award to a very worthy individual. Following the morning service we will have lunch on the grounds, with a quick turn around afternoon service right after. It will be a tremendous day of remember all that God has done in and through our church, and looking forward to what God has for us in the next 67 years.


Independence Day Celebration

July 4, 2024

Our 4th of July service was a tremendous blessing! A good number of people chose to come and fellowship together as we celebrated our country's independence. Brother Rick grilled delicious hot dogs and everyone else brought all the fixings. Most importantly, Pastor Jenkins preached a convicting message on true liberty being found in Christ. It is our distinct desire to share that message of liberty in Jesus to our community.

Homecoming Sunday

October 8, 2023

We had a blast celebrating our 66th Homecoming Anniversary!  We had tremendous singing and preaching led by the Orange Family and our very own choir. 

It was also our distinct honor to present the Lifetime Christian Service Award to Rev. James J. Johnson, longtime missionary to various African nations. Additionally, we had Brother Charlie Gaddy graduate from our Biblical Discipleship course!

Homecoming was a great day of celebration, and we look forward to what God will do in our next year.

Family Conference & Preacher's Fellowship

May 14-17, 2023

Our Family Conference was a true encouragement this year. We welcomed Dr. Rick Carter and Evangelist Greg Waggoner to instruct us on what God would have for our families. Our Pastors' Fellowship was a great success as well with many pastors and missionaries in attendance. In addition to Dr. Carter and Bro. Waggoner, we were joined by Dr. Ron Young and Evangelist Byron Foxx, who were truly a blessing to our pastors. All the pastors received a gift and a delicious meal.

Men's Spring Cake Bake-Off

April 30th, 2023

Our men baked some beautiful cakes this year, and they were delicious as well. It was great to see the creativity of our men, and it was fun to auction off the cakes to the church members. Through the auction our church was able to raise over $500 which was donated to the Fellowship Tract League to print tracts and Lighthouse Baptist Press to print John & Romans booklets.

Resurrection Candy Hunt

April 9th, 2023

We had a great time celebrating our Lord's resurrection this past Resurrection Sunday. After the service our kids enjoyed our Resurrection Candy Hunt, with many kids participating. We can't wait until next year!

The War

April 1-3, 2023

Our Teen War was a Blast! We were able to meet almost 100 teens during the three day event, and challenged them with intense games and challenges, as well as the Word of God. Every attendee heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and 10 teenagers made professions of faith, relying on Jesus alone for their salvation. We are grateful for all the teens who came, as well as Bro. Bobby Bosler and the War team for making this all a reality.

Veterans Day Honorary Service

November 13th, 2022

It was our pleasure to honor our United States veterans during our Veterans Day Service. We had several branches represented in our church, including the Army, Navy, and Air Force, as well as various theatres, from Vietnam to the Global War on Terror. We're grateful to our veterans for their service to our nation and to our church.

Family Sunday & Bible Bucks Store Grand Opening

August 28th, 2022

Our 2022 Family Sunday was a true blessing to all in attendance. Dr. S.M. Davis from Solving Family Problems Ministries joined us, preaching on Pride and Reconciliation. Our people were greatly encouraged and it is our hope that many families were helped.

Additionally, we hosted the Grand Opening of the Bible Bucks Store! The kids were very excited to begin earning Bible Bucks that they could spend at the store. We're praying that many kids will be encouraged to attend church through this ministry!

Backpack Sunday

August 7th, 2022

This year's Backpack Sunday was a tremendous moving of God! We gave out 93 backpacks of school supplies, well over our goal of 60, and we had about 200 people attending our service. Every attendee, including every child heard the clear presentation of the Gospel, and went home with a Gospel tract. Pray for those who visited, that they might be saved. We can't wait to see what God does in the following months, and what He'll do at next year's Backpack Sunday!

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